About Me


I'm Matthew, a third year Combinatorics and Optimization student at the University of Waterloo, and this is my small corner of the internet.

Ever since I was young I've been passionate for computers and technology. Before learning to code, much of my time on the computer was spent editing photographs I had taken or designing posters for random events. Still today, I unabashedly consider one of my hobbies to be typefaces, because I am always amazed by how subtle changes to universal letterforms can so significantly affect how we percieve them. (i.e. Times New Roman versus Comic Sans)

Yet, my interest in mathematics has also given me a strong technical skillset. In my coursework, I have extensively covered areas such as linear programming, combinatorial optimization, computational discrete optimization, algorithmic problem solving (including dynamic programming), and algorithm design. These courses have not only equipped me with a strong theoretical foundation but have also honed my ability to communicate complex ideas and solve challenging problems.

Outside of the time I spend on the computer, I can never turn down a good hike, so don't be surprised if you find some of my photos dotted around the site!

I'd be happy to hear any projects you might want to collaborate on, so feel free to drop me an e-mail or reach out to me on Twitter @itsmattberger.

Thanks for reading, and I hope to hear from you soon!
- Matthew

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Matthew Berger

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